We're are using azure now?

Left a big project for a few months to be some angular 2 stuff and I'm back now. Looks like we started using azure store in the meantime and the projects not running.

Connection failes with error Unable to connect to the remote server

Connection is using things in the Windows.Azure.Storage namespace.

Configuration Setting is <add key="StorageConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />

That looks like the old 'I've install something that is doing magic'.

What are valid valid azure storage connection strings?


Oh, UseDevelopmentStorage is a different tool to fake it.

It should be running in the background maybe? Why does this project not have a readme for this? Grr

Install Windows Azure Storage Emulator.

What to install ::


Wow, just look at the number of links of that page. Ok, VS2015 link is 400+ mg. I'm remote, on wireless, so nope.

Let try just the emulator. 2mg. Better. Comes with install instructions, hmmm.

Installed, run, it's a console app.

Taskbar app with Storage Emulator is running displayed.

Connect again and it just works.
