Setting up the bottles of beer
A lot of software engineering is just glueing the pieces togethers.
This scripts can run sql on multiple databases that use a consistent numeric naming structure.
This code is ripped from all over and there is nothing original except maybe a print
The script
The pieces this script is using…
- Gets 1 to 20 using a
. - Use a
to iterate. quotename
to confirm the database name.sq_sqlexec
to run it, because theuse
requires an actual string.
DECLARE @index nvarchar(2); DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000); DECLARE @start int; DECLARE @end int; DECLARE @dbName sysname; SET @start = 1; SET @end = 20; DECLARE cur CURSOR STATIC LOCAL FOR WITH numbers AS ( SELECT @start AS number UNION ALL SELECT number + 1 FROM numbers WHERE number < @end ) SELECT REPLACE(STR(Number, 2), SPACE(1), '0') FROM numbers OPEN cur WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH cur INTO @index IF @@fetch_status <> 0 BREAK PRINT @index + ' bottles of beer on the wall.'; SET @dbName = 'database-number-' + @index SET @sql = N' USE ' + quotename(@dbName) + '; SELECT db_name(); '; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql; END DEALLOCATE cur